Monday Message #74 :: What's standing between you and your goals!!

We all have inside of us, in our heart of hearts, that life our spirit longs for, our dreams that call us to step out of our comfort zone, and into our greatness and our gifts ... so why don't we? why do we try and give up?? whats really stopping us?? well, most likely, its something within you! called RESISTANCE!! If you are a creative with many unmanifested ideas and projects within you, you really need to watch this video! In this video I unpack a great quote from Stephen Pressfeilds book "The War of Art" and we unpack resistance a little bit in an effort to help you be aware of it and know what to do when you experience it. Grab a cup of tea and have a watch with me ((or watch while you wash the dishes, walking the dog, going for a jog, or folding laundry!)) Your Friend and Ever Well Wisher, Dharma Shakti

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We are excited to be facilitating our 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Program 

Looking to deepen your practice AND understanding of Yoga? Looking to be a leader or role model in your community and an agent for conscious change? 

Looking For Transformation???

This training teaches the ancient traditions and modern applications of Yoga Sciences and Philosophies 

Submit your application today! Head to our website for more details and to complete your application for submission ! Space is limited ((Click the Button Below)) 

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