Monday Message #53 :: Fortitude in these times of uncertainty !

Wow, we are living during some interesting and challenging times aren't we!!! Lets lean in to fortitude rather than give in to fear!!! in this video I unpack a great quote from Orson F Whitney as well as try and give you some creative ways to get through what we are ALL going through!! Dont give up! We can get through this, we will get through this! Love, Dharma

While you have extra time at home , spend it watching my Master Class on Empowered Living!!! You still have time to register

This 21 day Master Class series is focused on "how to get unstuck and believe in yourself again so you can overcome your obstacles and OWN your dreams! 21 experts, 21 interviews, TONS of insights, FREE offers and gifts from each of the experts! I Dont Want you to miss out on this FREE summit, make sure you enroll and get in on all the INSIGHTS and PRACTICES to EMPOWERMENT !!!!

New Expert Added to The Line Up

~ Bryan Kest of Power Yoga ~


50% Complete

Two Step

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