Monday Message #48 : How to achieve GREATNESS

How do we become great.... is it something we just are or aren't? Or is there a process for becoming it, or achieving it??? Well, in this video, I unpack a wonderful quote by John Elway (or so i was told it was from him) that describes perfectly, the path to greatness!!! In this video i discuss why staying the course, and being steady in your efforts and staying committed to the journey is foundational for your TRANSFORMATION!!

Do you want Growth and Change in Your Life? You know you are READY, but not sure, how or what the next step is???

Then check out my Empowered Soul Coaching ~ a 3 month program where you get me (yeah, just me and you), one on one for an hour every week - for 3 months!!! working on your life and your mindset and heart-set as well as your habits and dreams and goals... we cover it all.

Coaching Testimonial

What a gift it has been these past few months doing Empowered Soul Coaching with Dharma Shakti! I began these coaching sessions knowing that I was ready to own my dreams, but lacked confidence and clarity. Being able to discuss, work through, and then reflect on the blockages that were holding me back literally changed my life. The way Dharma held space to show me that I had all the answers within, was a huge revelation to my soul. I look back at the beginning of our coaching sessions, and I just can't believe how much I have overcome. By saying yes to my dreams, I have created the life I always knew I was capable of having. I went from doing certain things that didn't align with my soul, working at a job I didn't like, and full of self doubt. A few months after working with Dharma, I am now owning my own yoga studio, quit my old job, and holding myself accountable everyday to live as a high performer. I can't thank Dharma enough for believing in me, showing me my strength, and helping me step into my own dharma. Love, Syd


50% Complete

Two Step

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