Monday Message #45 :: How do we find balance?

Always chasing that elusive โ€œBalanceโ€ in life? How do people do it?? How do they seem to have it all together? Well, the key ingredient is to balance your MIND through the ebbs and flows of life, rather than trying to make your life perfectly balanced. In this video I unpack a quote by Brendon Burchard. I discuss why giving up the struggle to balance your life, and instead focusing on BALANCING THE MIND is foundational for your TRANSFORMATION!!

Do you want Growth and Change in Your Life? You know you are READY, but not sure, how or what the next step is???

I have an amazing 3 month coaching program that has helped many of my yoga students and fellow yoga teachers. I know it can help you too! I am taking ONLY 4 new clients for the month of Jan 2020. If you are committed to making 2020 the year you BREAKTHROUGH, click the link below and BOOK your FREE session with me right away. Lets Get started!


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Two Step

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