Monday Message #42 :: How do we become who we want to be?? Discipline !!

Everyday we have an opportunity to re-commit to the practices and routines that serve our growth, betterment and well being. Every day we are taking actions, and those actions when done over and over again result in a disciplined action. In this video, I discuss taking a look at the actions we repeat daily and weekly, and ask ourselves, "are these routines serving me?" because our routines are a big part of what define who we become. Looking to become something great? then we MUST reflect on our daily routines

:: Upcoming Events ::

----------------------- New Years Eve Kirtan :: Dec 31st 7pm - 9pm ------------------------ at Yogalution Movement 3141 E Broadway Long Beach, Ca 90803

__________________________ Alchemy Of Confidence _________________________

Sunday Jan 4th 2020 :: 3pm-6pm 

at Yogalution Movement

click here for more info :


_____________________ Going From Good to GREAT_______________________

A 6 week online course for yoga teachers who want to up their game as a leader and yoga teacher in their communities !!! 

Launching Mid Jan 2020 Date TBD 


Are you ready to Swing into 2020 with some Confidence, Courage and CLARITY??

I have only 4 spots available for my One on One Coaching Program >> Empowered Soul Coaching !! If you are wanting to show up to 2020 with some fire behind your passions and goals, then book a FREE 30 min session with  me to get a taste of the coaching process and see if you are a good fit for the program!! I am ONLY taking individuals who are REALLY and SERIOUSLY committed to their GROWTH now!  

Book Your FREE Session with ME

50% Complete

Two Step

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