Monday Message #46 :: How to Overcome Procrastination

Ever been PLAGUED by Procrastination? We all experience it, in places where we are resisting our growth. In this video, I unpack a quote by Stephen Pressfeild, and discuss a key step to overcoming your procrastination. Overcoming Procrastination is crucial to your Transformation.

✨: Calling all yoga teachers :✨

6 week LIVE online course : Group Mentoring for yoga teachers aspiring to be GREAT! Led by myself and Marlene Martin. Having led yoga teacher trainings for the last 9 years, I have seen a lot of aspiring teachers fizzle out and give up before they could even see if they could make something if their yoga career! I don’t want that to be you. If you are interested in the course, please email me directly back.


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Two Step

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