Monday Message #37 : Leaning Into Challenges and Adversity

Today on Monday Message we unpack a quote by the great Napoleon Hill !!! If we can consciously approach our challenges and struggles, and not turn away in fear or resist with all our thoughts and feelings, we can experience tremendous breakthrough. When we show up with courage and lean in with faith, that there is always wisdom in the wound, we can have exponential growth. In this video, I unpack WHY leaning into the struggles, and the heartache and the losses, are POWERFUL opportunities for your TRANSFORMATION!!

Are you ready to GROW???

guidance on the journey of transformation is always extremely valuable and almost always necessary. I have an amazing 3 month coaching program that has helped many of my students and fellow yoga teachers. if you are interested in stepping up to a new level for 2020, I'd love to offer you sample of my coaching, and give you a little taste of what the program is like... book your call with me, what's it costing you to NOT reach out for help??


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