Monday Message #33 : Want New Ideas and Inspiration ??

Today on Monday Message we unpack a quote by Martin Luther King Jr. Are you waiting to feel inspired? Hoping that it just lands on you eventually? It doesnt work that way - but there are a few simple ways in which you can tap back into your inspiration, creativity and motivation. You can stop waiting for it to arrive, and you can cultivate it! In this video, I unpack HOW finding you way back to inspiration is crucial to your transformation.

Are you yearning for Transformation

I am looking to work with 7 powerful women who want to uplevel there lives before 2020 gets here!!! Its your time, and you know it!

Click Here to book your FREE 30 min coaching session with me

Dont forget that you can work with Dharma One on One - in person, via zoom or phone consultation (from anywhere in the world!). If you want growth, health, wellbeing, progress and transformation in your life, click here to schedule a session with Dharma Shakti


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